About: At Night

At Night is about a lost spirit. The lost spirit is looking for his wife's spirit which died in a car accident which ultimately made him a lost soul. With all this rage and anger after he passes away a mother gives birth to Jessica Strawser. In 11th Grade Jessica can see visions and ghosts but only the lost soul's spirit. The lost soul's wife leading him to believe that she is still not dead but that he's in another world where everybody dead is alive. John (Soul) is led to believe that he is in that world but he's not. Due to Jessica's similarity to his wife John is trying to make contact but in the way there is no surviving.

Jessica's perspective

Jessica's life is perfect. Straight A's, great friends and amazing parents. But one day her life changes she's hanging out with her friend Nicole as she goes up to her room a mysterious book with a deep story. Could it be the lost soul that attacked someone before her or could she be related? All this will be revealed in At Night by Diego Rodriguez.



The winter playground

John's Photography

Spring in the Mainland by John Rodgers


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